A “dramatic visual marker for the aspirations and ambition of a country in the 21stcentury”. This is how a potential “Celtic Bridge” between Ireland and Scotlan... Read More...
A DoneDeal survey claimed that only 8% of Irish people manage to keep their New Year’s resolutions. Given they’re fundamentally ineffective, is gradual ch... Read More...
Northern Ireland is consistently identified by the Office of National Statistics as being one of the ‘happiest’ places in the UK.
However, as FactCheckNI put i...
What are the golden rules of business? What makes a good manager? Oh, and what’s in store for Northern Ireland post-Brexit?
These are just some of the questi...
After the Assembly election in May and a brief honeymoon, the DUP-Sinn Féin coalition hasn’t enjoyed the smoothest of journeys on its return to the realities of... Read More...