Instead of sharing our usual ‘political week in 5 points’, for New Year’s I decided to compile a list of five wishes that I hope for in 2019.
Reach across the divide and listen to each other.
Everywhere we looked in 2018, from the US, to Europe, to the rest of the world, it seemed like it was the year of polarisation. In 2019, I hope that we reach across whatever divides us from others, to really listen and engage with the people around us, to work together for a better future.
(P.S. You can also look at our interview series on defying stereotypes and labels in Northern Ireland as part of Northern Slant’s GFA at 20 coverage, for some inspiring people who were already doing this in 2018).
There will be even more women at all the tables!
Some commentators have said that 2018 was the year of the woman due to the record number of women running for political office in the US and winning seats in the House of Representatives. Hopefully, this trend continues in 2019. Wherever there are tables, I hope that there are more women sitting at them (and being listened to).
Same-sex marriage will (finally!) be legalised in Northern Ireland.
Because love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love.
We will hold individuals accountable for their actions and think more about the impact our behaviours have on others.
There were a series of scandals in 2018 which showcased how some people in our society were not being held accountable for their actions – from corruption amongst businessmen in the US with the Mueller investigation, the way tech companies have violated our privacy and sold our data, how some consulting companies enabled authoritarian regimes; closer to home, as our contributor Matt O’Neill wrote about the recall vote for MP Ian Paisley Jr. We also saw some of those people beginning to be held accountable, which may continue into 2019.
In 2019, I hope that all of us think about the impact that our actions have on others. We’re all in this together!
We might get some certainty on big political upheavals and get back to tackling injustices in our own communities.
This was another year of Brexit uncertainty. Next year (hopefully!) is the year Brexit will finally happen. I hope that much of the energy that has gone into the withdrawal negotiations can be channeled back into addressing injustices in our own communities.
These are my five wishes – what are yours? Get in touch with Northern Slant on Facebook or on Twitter and let us know your political hopes for 2019.
Also published on Medium.