Wee Belfast sayings from a wee Belfast girl, for anyone who may struggle to understand the native tongue.
‘Wee’ – A reference to anything and everything regardless of its real size. If you don’t use the phrase at least 4 times per sentence, then you risk being mistaken as an outsider.
‘A near choked’– a reaction to something unexpected, not at all related to physically choking on anything.
‘I can’t even’– often used when an individual is struggling to articulate his or hers feelings to others.
‘A score’- a score is a £20 note, often borrowed of mothers and fathers by their children at the weekend for socialising purposes, with no intention of paying it back.
‘No word af a lie’ – A common phrase used to articulate a story that’s over-exaggerated tone might raise suspicions around the accuracy of the story.
‘Oh mummy’ – A phrase used when stressed out about something. As a rule of thumb, no mothers need be present at the time of use.
‘Swear’– often used during a conversation when you’re in a state of disbelief about what you are hearing.
‘A don’t believe ya’ – a common phrase used in conversation when you hear a relatively believable piece of gossip from a friend.
‘S/he is going to go toke’– pre-empting a situation where someone may over-react to a relatively un-dramatic situation.
‘So’s your da’– a phrase used by individuals who struggle to find a rebuttal when being mocked by friends.
‘So’s your ma’– if you’ve used this, you’ve gone too far.
‘Dead-on’– A phrase to describe your well-being when someone asks how you are; you give this answer regardless to how you’re actually feeling.
‘Sound as a pound’– used as an adjective to describe someone of up-standing character.
‘A packet a chris’– a bag of potato crisps, not to be confused with the shortening of the name Christopher, which we all know should actually be shortened to ‘cricky’, unless you’re from BT9.
‘Hanging like a bat’– a phrase to describe the consumption of too many alcoholic beverages the night before. Unless you’ve been on the Buckfast, in that case you would be ‘dying a death’.
‘Here’ – traditionally used at the start of every conversation.
‘Mucker’– an endearing term to describe a friend.
‘Mate’– used when conversing with any human being at all, whether you like them or not; it is totally appropriate to use this term even if you don’t know them.
‘Our kid’– strictly reserved for close family, or friends who are like family, age does not come into it.
‘Yeo’ – An automatic reaction to hearing some exciting news or a piece of music. Often those partial to ‘yeo-ing’ give no regard to time or place, they simply let it out.
What is your favourite wee Belfast sayin?